Ilene Thatcher

Sixth Grade

I am so excited to be teaching 6th grade English this year! Years ago I graduated from Brigham Young University with an education degree and taught junior high and high school before I started a family
with my husband. For the past fifteen years I have been a full-time Mom and a part-time music teacher. I love to play the guitar, piano, and violin. I also enjoy listening to music of all varieties. In my spare
time I love to ride our horse and hike in our beautiful mountains. I also love to camp, fish, hunt, and go on vacations with my family. In my youth, I enjoyed playing any sport I could try my hand at, but my true passion was lacrosse.

I also have a passion for reading and have immersed myself in novels throughout my life. I love getting lost in a story and being transported into another world and time. I hope to be able to inspire my students share in this love. I have also dabbled at writing and have written some children’s stories and am currently working on a novel. Writing can be a valuable tool of self-expression and healing. I would
love to pass this tool onto my students to help them throughout their lives.

My teaching style is very hands-on. I feel that this is the best way to learn any subject, even English. We will use all our senses to improve our minds and better our understanding of the English language. I hope to be able to give my students a safe and consistent environment to play, learn, study, and grow. I look forward to meeting all my students this coming year!