Elizabeth Tongi


Hi! My name is Mrs. Tongi and I love being a kindergarten teacher here at Lincoln Academy. I have been associated with Lincoln Academy for many years, as all three of my children have attended school here. My oldest is going to be a senior this year, so I’ve been around for a while. When my youngest child entered pre-school, I became a pre-school teacher at Learning Dynamics and realized quickly that I had a love and knack for teaching the littles. When she moved onto kindergarten at Lincoln Academy, I had the amazing experience of becoming a Title 1 aide here. I have worked for Lincoln Academy for the past four years and have LOVED every minute of it. I love working with the children and watching them progress and grow. I am in the process of getting my masters in Elementary Education and when the position opened up for a kindergarten teacher, my heart was so excited and I knew this was where I wanted to be!
Here is a little about me. I was born in Maryland, but raised in southern Georgia. After high school, I earned my bachelor’s degree at BYU-Hawaii (because who doesn’t want to attend school in Hawaii?). There I met my husband, who is half Tongan, half Samoan. He is also a teacher. He teaches junior high math. We have three children. The oldest, as I said before, is 17 and going to be a senior this year. He loves basketball. My middle child is soon to be 15 and is moving into high school this year. He also loves basketball. My youngest is 9 and is in fourth grade here at Lincoln Academy. She loves dance.
My goal as a teacher is to make sure that every student in my class feels loved and valued, while also achieving their academic goals. I am looking forward to being a part of Lincoln Academy’s team for many years to come.