Lincoln Academy Breakfast and Lunch Program

If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Lum at lum@lincoln-academy.org or 801-756-2039 ext. #130.

For more information regarding the Summer Food Program, please visit the links below

Meal Ordering Information
Lunch & Breakfast for all students will now be ordered online on Fridays for all meals for the following week.

Meal Schedule for AM Students
Breakfast will be served to AM students strictly between 7:30am-7:45am. Due to the schedule, breakfast will not be served later that 7:45am. Breakfast will consist of a hot breakfast or cereal option,
with the choice of juice, milk or fruit.

To-Go Lunch will be served to A.M. students at the
end of the day during morning carpool.

Meal Schedule for PM Students
To-Go Breakfast (for the following day) will be served to
PM students at the end of the day during afternoon carpool. There will be 2 breakfast options on all days except Monday, at which time a cold cereal will be sent home on Thursday. Breakfast will consist of a hot breakfast or cereal option, with the choice of juice, milk or fruit.

Lunch will be served to PM students strictly between 11:30am-11:45am. Due to the schedule, lunch will not be served later that 11:45am.

Meal Schedule for Online Students
Online students will pick up their meals (both breakfast and lunch) twice a week on Monday and Thursday at 3pm during afternoon carpool in the back of the school. There will be 2 breakfast options on all days except Monday, at which time a cold cereal will be sent home on Thursday.

Breakfast will consist of a hot breakfast or cereal option, with the choice of juice, milk or fruit.

On Monday you will pick up meals for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Thursday you will pick up meals for Friday and Monday.
Reduced Breakfast $0.30
Breakfast $1.75
Reduced Lunch $0.40
Lunch $2.75
Adult/Staff Breakfast $2.80
Adult/Staff Lunch $4.80
Adult Visitor $4.80
Non-Student $4.80
Meals Available for Children during COVID-19 School Closures

Lincoln Academy is participating in the Seamless Summer Option or Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided to all Lincoln Academy students and their siblings. 1582 W 3300 N Pleasant Grove, UT 84003 

              AM              Breakfast served at 7:20 until 8:00 any siblings breakfast sent home at 11:00

             AM               Lunch is sent home at 11:00  any sibling lunches sent home at 11:00

             PM               Lunch is served at 11:20 until 12:00 eat in classrooms andy sibling lunches sent home at 3:00

            PM               Breakfast is sent home at 3:00 for next day any siblings breakfast sent home at 3:00

           Online          Online will pick up on Mondays and Thursdays at 2:30. Monday- receive breakfast and lunch for 

                                Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and on Thursday receive breakfast and lunch for Friday and        

                                Monday Breakfast. 

Since we are not in school on Friday all am will receive breakfast and lunch on Thursday at 11:00 and pm will receive breakfast and lunch for Friday and Monday breakfast on Thursday at 3:00. 

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (AD-3027), found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992.

Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

(1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20250-9410

(2) Fax: (202) 690-7442; or

(3) Email: program.intake@usda.gov

This institution is an equal opportunity provider


*Lincoln Academy will not allow student(s) to carry a negative account balance.  Please see policies below.  Any negative lunch balances not paid may be sent to collections.

Depositing Money into Student Accounts

Pay Online

Online payments to students lunch accounts can be made by clicking “Lunch Payments” above. You may set up an account and pay with e-check for a fee of $.49 or pay with credit or debit card for 3 % and a $.50 fee.  You may set up email notifications when your students balance reaches below a certain amount and set up automatic payment plans when the amount you have set up reaches below a certain amount.

Manual Payment

To deposit money into your student’s account, have the student bring a check and deposit it into the black box located in the front foyer. If paying by cash, please put money in an envelope and have your student bring it to Mrs. Lum for a receipt. Cash that is deposited into the black box will not be guaranteed. Cash may be dropped off before or after school, or during lunch. Checks may also be dropped off during lunch.

Superhero Fund

If students have a positive balance left over at the end of the school year, parents may donate to the “Superhero Fund.”  This fund may be used to help pay for any unpaid lunch balances at the end of the school year.  Money will be used at the discretion of the Kitchen Director and Lincoln Academy Administration.

Free and Reduced Lunch

Lincoln Academy has been approved by the State of Utah to offer free and reduced-price lunches to students that qualify.  For a copy of the application, please contact Jodi Lum at lum@lincoln-academy.org or you may fill out an application online through Aspire.


ISpeak Statements (Other languages)

Term 4 Updates