Jake Hunt

Academic Director

I was born and raised in Lehi, Utah where I enjoyed sports, academic achievement and family time. My love of sports took me to Dixie State College where I played football for two years, had opportunities to develop leadership skills as the Student Body President, graduated in Elementary Education and was lucky enough to meet Britten, the love of my life. Together, with our four children we enjoy spending time together camping and being outdoors. I enjoy reading, gardening and sports.

I discovered Lincoln Academy in the spring of 2006. I was immediately attracted to the people, facility, philosophy, parental support, and atmosphere Lincoln offered. As I taught, I tried to make subjects come alive. My classroom was a miniature city, complete with jobs, checks, insurance agents, city council, banks, and advertising agencies. We used pudding, cookies, and Jell-O to demonstrate plate tectonics. I had students sort beans to loud factory sounds, experience the fear of coming to a new country not knowing the language, and create their own Egyptian sarcophagus.
I obtained my Masters in Educational Administration and Administrative Certificate through the University of Phoenix.

I love Lincoln Academy and everything that it stands for. I honestly feel that I am working with the best group of educators, support staff and board members that I have ever met. Everyone at Lincoln wants to improve the lives of young students and their daily effort shows it. I feel Lincoln Academy is a safe, fun, and a challenging environment where daily you can see students faces change from confusion to excitement at the acquisition of new knowledge. It is a place where student grow together, have fun, and reach their highest individual potential.

I strongly feel that education of a student is a team effort. Parents, teachers, and the students work together in this educational endeavor to create something brilliant. I am eager to help in any situation that can improve this team. I do ask that if parents have an issue with a teacher, that they first try and address that issue with the teacher. I have found that in 98% of these cases that the teacher and parent can work out any concerns or misconceptions that may be present. If a conversation has taken place and there is still a concern that I can help with I am more than willing to do what I can to help improve this situation.

Occasionally, students make choices that go against the school discipline policy and jeopardize their personal safety or the safety of others. I see these times as great learning experiences. I do not feel it is appropriate to shame or demean students at this time. I do feel it is appropriate for students to know and understand what they did was wrong, why it was wrong and deal with any consequences that their mistake may have caused. I also like to take the time to talk about other strategies that would have prevented them from making that mistake and give them tools in order to be better prepared for similar situations in the future.

I believe that an educator and an educational institution need to consistently reflect upon services provided with the research-based proven practices of the day and implement any necessary improvements. Lincoln is constantly adjusting to meet the needs of students and to help prepare them for their best possible future. Every effort is made to incorporate technological advances in education as well as proven educational instructional strategies. I am excited about what the future brings and the opportunities that we have here at Lincoln to help educate your children.