Kristen Jacot

Clothing, College Awareness, Consumer Science, FACS, Foods

I love Lincoln Academy! I am so grateful for the education and experience that it has afforded my children! This year I will begin my 15th year working at Lincoln. (Where has the time gone!?!) It is my pleasure to be part of the team of Lincoln Academy teachers! I will be teaching Apparel Design and Production 1, Foods and Nutrition 1 and 2, and College and Career Awareness. This year we are adding a Foods and Nutrition class that will be just for 7th graders.
FACS=Family and Consumer Science (Home Ec. when I was growing up) is an area that has had a special place in my heart for a very long time—from the time I worked in the kitchen with my mom, learned to sew, dreamed of decorating a home, and enjoyed babysitting. I was a student that struggled with academics and grades. I found my place and success in Home Economics (the original STEM☺). It was in sewing class that I learned fractions, algebra and geometry. It was in the cooking lab and at home that I learned equivalents, chemistry and microbiology. It was through Child Development that I learned to appreciate biology, sociology and psychology. The FACS classes are a great place to learn that all those math and science things do have an application in our everyday lives.
I graduated from BYU with a Bachelor’s Degree in Home Economics with an emphasis in secondary education. Teaching has always been a part of my life. I homeschooled my children (6) for 6 years. This was a fantastic experience. I learned many things. I learned to be flexible and patient, that there are many ways to learn, that children are amazing in their ability to think and learn. I learned that often the best way to teach is to learn right alongside the student exploring questions and answers. I learned that we learn more when we are comfortable and happy with our surroundings. I learned that it is better to laugh. I enjoy children and youth and have spent all of my life with them in one-way or another.
In my spare time (what spare time?) I enjoy my three (almost 4) grandbabies!! If there is any time left I might spend it sewing, scrapbooking, cooking, doing Family History research and doing things with my family.