Elisa Limón

Third Grade

School has always been my happy place! My love of learning started when I was very young growing up in Japan. (My dad worked for the Naval Criminal Intelligence Services – NCIS. Yes, just like the show.) I had the unique opportunity of attending DODDS schools and learning from teachers and friends from all over the world. Every time school supplies would appear during the summer, I would get so excited! I had my first teaching job as a 16 year old teaching English to Japanese children. I prepared lesson plans and activities and from then on, I was hooked. I left Japan to attend Brigham Young University where I majored in Elementary Education. I taught fourth and sixth grade for several years before taking a break to raise my children. All four of my children have attended Lincoln Academy and have loved it. When my youngest entered first grade, I decided it was time to get back into the classroom. This will be my fifth year teaching third grade at Lincoln Academy.

When I’m not at school, I love spending time with my husband Adam and our children. My hobbies include playing games, doing puzzles, laying in my hammock, and reading. Some of my favorite things are Lindor truffles, Costa Vida, sushi, and school!

Teaching really is my passion although I love to learn just as much as I love to teach! Taking the time to raise my children has given me a very unique perspective into teaching. Several of my children require different approaches to life and learning. There is not a single correct way to teach students as they come into my classroom with their own strengths and life experiences. I look forward to discovering all the wonderful things my students can do and achieve this year in third grade.