Shane Nolan

Language Arts

I’m a native New Yorker and grew up in the suburbs of Long Island, as well as upstate in Orange County, each about an hour outside of New York City. I am the third of six children, raised predominantly by my wonderful single mother. I was a three-sport athlete growing up, playing baseball, football, and basketball, continuing only with football during college. My interests span far and wide, and I believe learning skills in many fields is a necessity of life.
I graduated from Washingtonville High School in 2010 and from Hartwick College in 2015. Two years later, I moved to New Orleans to begin teaching ELA, as well as coach both baseball and football. I lived in New Orleans for the next five years, and in May of 2022, my now fiancé and I decided to move to Utah. Largely in part to Lincoln Academy, we’ve loved our decision thus far.
In the coming years, I hope to earn a Master’s degree and publish some of my writing, as well as establish baseball, football, and creative writing programs here at Lincoln Academy.