Candy Bennett

Music, Yearbook

I absolutely love working at Lincoln Academy. We have amazing students, parents and faculty. I graduated from I absolutely love working at Lincoln Academy. We have amazing students, parents and faculty. I graduated from Southern Utah University with a Bachelor’s in Secondary Music Education in 2012 and a Masters in Music Education in 2022.. I have taught at Lincoln Academy since 2012 and this school year will be my 12th year here. I still love it.
I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a music teacher and had the opportunity to learn many instruments including: Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Bass, Violin, Trumpet, French Horn, Clarinet, Ukulele, Marimba, percussion, ect. Music has always been a large priority in my life thanks to the influence of my own music teachers such as Mrs. Amber Tuckness, my own high school music teacher.
Teaching music is, by far, the best job I could ever ask for. I love working with the students every day, helping them to become better people and musicians and discover their own passions. The cool thing about music is that it can help shape and change the world around us.
I am so excited to keep working with your students and can’t wait to meet all the new students who will be joining the music program.